At my hospital, we all use the COW and we use Meditech. I have to admit that using the computer is an asset to our Medication distribution. It has dramatically cut down on medication errors. The scanning is accepted and praised by the patients. I am happy and pleased that we have incorporated this method of safety at our hospital. The only downside of using this cow is the fact that they are not perfected, the have their moments. If not plugged in immediately, the power is drained. From so much use by all staff, nurses and techs, they seem to be worn out. When giving medications at the bedside, you are just about to file the administration of the meds, the COW either freezes, logs out and power just seizes. When I arrive to start my shift, I claim my cow with a sign, " PAT PRAY'S COW, DO NOT TOUCH". You have to claim your cow, or you have to wait for a free one. My COW'S always seem to die down, have buttons missing, freeze or JUST DON'T WORK and we have to call the help desk. Other than that, I do like using these computers, they also save on documenting patient data.
If you want to share any personal experiences or have comments, please post your thought here, we all can share.
Happy Posting